January 2024

Last Sunday was a gloriously sunny, but cold and icy, day and I went up my first fell of the year which obviously had to be Low Fell directly behind Foulsyke: the view down Crummock Water was magnificent.

Later that day I thought about some of the many things that make Loweswater so special which prompted me to have a nostalgic look through some of my old photos.

The view towards the lake and the fells beyond can not be bettered.

I walk the dog down to Crummock Water several times a week and have taken many lovely photos from the shore: there are also many views I would have liked to have taken but didn’t have my camera with me.

January is the time to start looking for snowdrops, the first sign that Spring may be on its way.

These are soon followed by the daffodils and in May we have the bluebells.

The herdwick sheep always make me smile even when they are visiting my garden looking for something to eat.

Wishing you a happy New Year.
