
It’s Easter and in Cockermouth there are daffodils everywhere, as well as gardens and verges shop windows have daffodil themes and the streets have been beautifully decorated by schools and local organisations.

Looking through my photos over the past month there are several of trees, at this time of the year you can really appreciate their structure before the leaves appear.

The one along our lane is a beautiful old oak

And I always like the trees by the kissing gate at Crummock because their shape has been so determined by the weather over many years.

Although the sky has been a beautiful blue on several occasions we have also been subject to snow which stayed on the high fells for some time.

I don’t seem to have had a picture of Foulsyke for a little while so here is one taken on a beautifully clear morning looking across the Loweswater valley towards Foulsyke from the top of Brackenthwaite Hows