


July is the time of year for two of my favourite wayside flowers: meadowsweet with its evocative scent and the very delicate harebell which, when I was a child, was one of my most loved ‘flower fairies.’


The seat at the front of Foulsyke looking towards Crummock Water has been suffering from years of everything the local Cumbrian weather could throw at it and some of the supports had given way making it a little less than comfortable for guests, cyclists and passers-by to sit on!


It was time to do something about it so last week, Tod, our friendly, local handyman came to repair it. He did a brilliant job and it is now looking as good as new again!


This morning I went for a walk along the Loweswater terrace path which is a favourite with many people. As I went by High Nook the farmer was out with his dogs gathering in his sheep for shearing. At the other end of the lake we met with a flock who had already lost their jackets and were somewhat interested in Wattie – couldn’t resist taking a picture!


I had a flask in my rucksack for ‘coffee with a view’ from another old and well known seat along the path which those of you familiar with the walk will know well.


Later in the week….

I went to Workington yesterday to pick up the laundry and took Wattie up the Slag Banks by the port. It is a lovely dog walk along the top with a beautiful array of wild flowers in the grass and seagulls and swallows wheeling overhead. There was a cargo ship carrying logs out at sea going round in circles waiting for high tide to get into port. I got into conversation with a couple of older dog walkers who were telling me all about the port and its history, how they had lived there all their lives and used to play as children down by the shore around the old jetty.


In the evening, the light on the clouds and the fells as the sun set was stunning, below is the view from the seat.
