
Today, Sunday 18 September, the day before the Queen’s funeral, seemed a bit of a ‘loose end’ day so I decided to take a nostalgic walk from Rosthwaite over to Watendlath and hopefully have a coffee at the tea room at Caffle House Farm where I worked during a summer holiday when I was a student many years ago.

It is a very special place with its beautiful tarn, old packhorse bridge and also its importance in the Herries chronicles as the place where Judith Paris, Rogue Herries’ daughter, lived.

It was a good walk although the weather was a bit dull but the tea room was open!

The big event locally in September is Loweswater Show on the first Sunday in the month. It is the first time it has been held for three years because of bad weather or the pandemic so it was a rather special occasion. It was good to see the sheep dog trials again although one or two sheep had minds of their own.

I especially love to see the herdwicks in their Sunday best.

The animal being carried is I believe a goat!

Loweswater Show however would not be the same without Tony and the Luchini’s ice cream vans. You may know their shop in Keswick or have seen their van at Surprise View on Whinlatter – best ice cream ever!

Tony has just got a new state of the art van which was publicised throughout the day over the tannoy system. On the far side of the van there are photographs of the family going back to 1901 when the business started.

If you would like to see more of the show visit Roger Hiley’s  loweswatercam

Finally, a happy snappy of Max at Crummock one rather cloudy morning.